The Grand Opening of the Belleville Youth Centre is coming fast! Be there July 4th, 2017 from 5 - 7 PM! Read more about it here!
The Grand Opening of the Belleville Youth Centre is coming fast! Be there July 4th, 2017 from 5 - 7 PM! Read more about it here!
13 Reasons Why Belleville Needs a Youth Centre
Want to Know Why? Let the Empowered Youth Group Tell You! Watch their Belleville Youth Centre Video Here!
ICES Scorecard on Child and Youth Mental Health and Addiction
Briefing Note ICES Scorecard on Child and Youth Mental Health and Addiction June 7, 2017 OVERVIEW On June 6, 2017 the Institute for Clinical and Evaluative Studies (ICES) issued The Mental Health of Children and Youth in Ontario, 2017 Scorecard. The Scorecard presents key findings on child and youth mental health and addiction care and related outcomes in Ontario based on 2014 data. The indicators reported...
Participate in a free workshop that the Youth Opportunities Fund (YOF) will be hosting for Kingston and surrounding area young leaders. The YOF is an annual program of the Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF) that provides grants and capacity building supports to youth-led grassroots groups and collaboratives serving young people who face multiple barriers to economic and social wellbeing. Saturday, May...
Young Minds: Stress, anxiety plaguing Canadian youth
This article from Global News hits the nail on the head! Read the article below or follow this link: http://globalnews.ca/news/530141/young-minds-stress-anxiety-plaguing-canadian-youth/ to read the article and watch the expert videos. We need to be there for our youth! By Allison Vuchnich and Carmen Chai Global News If you think the adolescent years are filled with fun and frivolity,...
Empowering Young Women - A Community Vision
CFUW BELLEVILLE AND DISTRICT EDUCATION and ADVOCACY: SPRING FORUM 2017 This year the Spring Forum Committee is planning a more interactive event on the theme of “EmpoweringYoung Women-A Community Vision”. The Vision of CFUW National looks to “a world where [women have] equal opportunities for leadership, employment, income, education, careers and the ability to maximize potential”....