Calling All Young Artists!
CANADIAN FOUNDATION for AIDS Research (CANFAR) is calling on artists under the age of 30 across the country to participate in a national art competition with the goal to raise awareness of health services available to young Canadians. Winners will receive a $1,000 award and their submission will be printed on the front of bi-fold postcards that provide information for health services for youth...
How to make friends with food even when you hate your body
February 1st - February 7th is Eating Disorder Awareness Week. Did you know that Youthab has counsellors who specialize in counselling specific to eating difficulties and body image? If this article by Health Stand Nutrition Consulting Inc.originally published in the Calgary Herald resonates with you perhaps you would like to give us a call to discuss your concerns. This is a...
Help United Way Set Colouring World Record
Come on out to the Sears Home Centre in Belleville on December 18th, 2016 from 9:00 am - 10:00 am to help the United Way on their quest to the colouring world record. Read more about it at Inquinte See you there!
Online Design Studio
Using the Be Safe App? Want to share your ideas? Mindyourmind is looking to connect with youth through an upcoming online design studio to obtain feedback on the Be Safe App. This is an amazing opportunity for youth to be part of change, and to help make the Be Safe app more effective to deal with issues in their community. If you know of youth who have used the Be Safe App and are interested,...
Too Little, Too Late: Reimagining Our Response to Youth Homelessness in Canada
by Kaitlin Schwan, Canadian Observatory on Homelessness, York University November 16, 2016 Thank you to the Home Depot Canada Foundation who generously funded this study and report. With their support, we have a better collective understanding of youth homelessness in Canada. Today, the Canadian Observatory on Homelessness and A Way Home Canada release Without a Home: The National Youth Homelessness...
Toxic People You Should Avoid at All Costs
by Dr. Travis Bradberry September 8, 2015 Emotional intelligence expert Dr. Travis Bradberry identifies toxic characters you must avoid to protect your psychological health. ___ Toxic people defy logic. Some are blissfully unaware of the negative impact that they have on those around them, and others seem to derive satisfaction from creating chaos and pushing other people’s buttons....