The Dry Life
The Globe and Mail shared an article that is top notch news! Way to go! Despite the enduring impression that the young and fashionable like to party hard, increasing numbers are taking a pass on alcohol. Caitlin Agnew examines the new trend toward sober living. Caitlin Agnew The Globe and Mail Last updated: Wednesday, Aug. 10, 2016 4:47PM EDT A few years ago, my aunt announced to the family...
Back to School, Happy and Healthy
Mind your Mind is a program similar to ours where reaching youth and getting them they help they deserve is the foremost objective. This article gives some great tips you can use to enjoy your school experience. Back to School, Happy and Healthy Going back to school is stressful. Balancing your grades, social life, responsibilities and still having time to have fun can seem impossible......
Alone Time is Good For Us, Research Says
Our world is more hyper-connected than ever. We have smartphones, tablets, iPods, laptops, and a few of us even have those soon-to-be relics called desktops. We’re so addicted that – according to Pew Research Center – 67% of cellphone owners find themselves checking their phone even when they don’t notice it ring or vibrate, and 21% of us report going online “almost constantly.”...
Let’s End the Stigma of Mental Illness
Look to your left. Look to your right. Look behind you. Look in front of you. One of the people you just saw has been diagnosed with a mental illness. Many people ask why I started TalkSession. I left a career on Wall Street, got an MBA and now run a consumer healthcare technology company with a clear mission of making mental healthcare more accessible, affordable and acceptable through cutting-edge...