We know it can be hard, but there's no shame in asking for help for yourself or for others. It’s also now more important than ever. Vulnerable families who struggle with chronic issues may be facing new challenges and additional stressors during this time. And across Ontario, child welfare agencies are seeing a drop in the number of referral calls – even though we know COVID-19 can lead to an increase in risk factors. If you need help or know a young person or family in need of support, or if you have concerns about the safety or well-being of a child or youth under 18, please call your local Children’s Aid Society/Indigenous Child and Family Well-Being Agency. You can find local contact numbers here: oacas.org/locate. #HeretohelpON
Check out the video: Ontario's Social Services at #Heretohelp during COVID-19
#HeretohelpON aims to connect Ontario children, youth, and families with the help they need by raising awareness of the services and supports available to them during the pandemic.
- Author: Ontario Association of Children's Aid Societies
- Article Source: Ontario Association of Children's Aid Societies